Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day of reckoning

It has finally came to my attention, that I have a mental illness. Ohhh don't get me wrong, I've been diagnosed Bipolar 1 for 4yrs now so this is not exactly new "news" but I think its news that one of my brains has allowed me to accept. Whew!
The good side of my brain, allows me to be happy, excited, busy with life, enjoy the weather and adore my family, you know be "normal". The other side, the "evil" half keeps me in bed, numb, emotionless or just going through the motions of daily life and then not even doin it well.
My hopes of this blog is to enlighten those and myself that mental illness is real. Hopefully my daily ramblings will be theraputic and maybe not even make sense, if were all so lucky. Enjoy!

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